
2017年7月3日電視廣播有限公司 (無綫電視) 並無授權TVpad播放無綫電視節目或與TVpad 商討正版內容合作。TVB Anywhere是海外唯一合法轉播無綫電視節目的OTT機頂盒。

無綫電視發言人今日回覆傳媒查詢說,TVpad 未經授權轉播TVB節目,屬侵權行為。為了打擊有關侵權行為,無綫電視於2015年初聯同其他公司在美國提出訴訟,同年12月加州聯邦地區法院判決TVpad敗訴,需要就侵犯版權及損害商標賠償。TVpad不得再轉播侵權的TVB節目。

現時在海外市場包括澳洲、歐洲及加拿大有多個不同名稱的OTT機頂盒,其中一款內容和TVpad 十分相似的Blue TV,他們均沒有獲合法授權播放TVB節目,無綫電視會繼續採取行動全力打擊侵權的電視機頂盒,並呼籲消費者切勿購買這些機頂盒觀看TVB節目,以免招致損失。

TVB denies having discussion with TVpad on cooperation

(3 July 2017) Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB) has not authorised TVpad to broadcast TVB programmes nor has it discussed with TVpad on the cooperation of legitimate contents. TVB Anywhere is the sole legitimate OTT set-top box in overseas to retransmit TVB programmes.

In response to media enquiries, a TVB spokesman said transmission of TVB contents by TVpad are unauthorised and illegal. To combat the infringing activities, TVB jointly filed a suit in USA with other companies in early 2015. In December of the same year, United States District Court for the Central District of California ruled that TVpad had to compensate TVB for infringement of copyright and trademark. TVpad must not retransmit TVB programmes again.

Currently, overseas markets, such as Australia, Europe and Canada, have numerous OTT set-top boxes with different brand names, including Blue TV which greatly resembles TVpad. They are not authorised to broadcast TVB programmes. TVB will continue to step up efforts to combat illegal OTT set-top boxes. Consumers are advised not to purchase these set-top boxes to view TVB programmes to avoid possible losses.


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